From crib-biting to normal
How to reduce crib biting
by Dr. Tanja Romanazzi, 109 DIN A5 pages, Ebook
Do the following situations seem familiar?
- You have a crib-biting horse, and you keep getting rejected by various stables? Then, when you finally do find a stable, other horse owners look at you askance and would like to make themselves scarce whenever your horse belches?
- Your horse is a heavy crib-biter, looks much too thin and stressed, and you would like to help it?
- Crib-biting annoys you, and you just want it to go away?
- You get a lot of ‘good advice’ (about acribbing collar, cribbing muzzle, surgery and electrified wires in the horse’s box) that you don’t actually agree with, but can’t really put up a good defense against?
- Your horse is often bloated with air. You are worried about cribbing colic and don’t know whether cribbing is the cause or not and what you can do against it?
- You want to buy a horse that is crib-biting, but are unsure what that could entail and what you’d be letting yourself in for?
- Apart from the crib-biting, your horse is ‘actually’ OK. Do you then have to do anything against it at all?
If you own a crib-biting horse, then I’m sure you’ll be familiar with these problems and you’ll probably already have spent hours on the Internet and elsewhere looking for answers.
Unfortunately, all you’ll find there are contradictory comments in forums, advertisements for cribbing collar, cribbing muzzle or information on operations from animal clinics. Suggested solutions range from ‘do nothing’ to ‘operate immediately’, with no hint of real assistance or therapies. You ask your vet about it. But here, too, you generally get the answer: “There’s nothing you can do about it. If it’s going to get colic sometimes, then it’s best if you bring it to the clinic for surgery. Otherwise, just turn a blind eye.”
So, is that it? No! In this book, you will see that:
There are also real therapies for cribbing horses
Cribbing has various causes
Cribbing shouldn’t just be suppressed
I researched this topic for several months and found, to my great surprise:
Crib-biting is the subject of study by research groups all over the world.
Unfortunately, the results of these studies stay stuck in the pages of various conference reports, even though they shed light on many new aspects and options for treatment. These results helped us to come to a much better understanding of the causes of cribbing, subsequently eliminate these causes as best we could and then start therapy for physical problems.
Crib-biting can be reduced by about 80% in most horses
This ebook contains the following information:
- Effects of cribbing. Horses don’t crib bite for no reason. Cribbing has some positive effects for the horse, but also causes issues that you have to bear in mind.
- The causes of cribbing. Is it really caught from other horses? What issues does the horse have? Is cribbing then a bad habit or a cry for help? What is the right answer?
- Options for suppression. Here, we deal with the many well-meaning pieces of advice. I will describe the effects of the various methods, like cribbing collar, cribbing muzzle and cribbing rings and why I don’t recommend them.
- Real therapies. Here, I will present approaches for treatment. What physical issues play a part? What options for therapy are there? How can a cribbing horse really be helped?
- Specific advice. Wherever possible, we don’t just give vague tips like ‘acupuncture can help as well’. We list the exact acupuncture points that were successful in one experiment.
This ebook presents a closer consideration of the results of 23 studies of cribbing from the USA, Great Britain, Hungary, France, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands. Trust me – you’ll have an entirely different view on cribbing to the one promoted by vets and fellow riders. And you’ll get some real assistance in helping your horse and helping it to significantly reduce its cribbing.
Take a look, here is the content page:
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